Account saying locked

I am trying to set up a new account but it says locked
I have tried chatting with support but no answer is.
Could somebody help me please

Have you tried to type live agent?

Live agent I take it you mean talk to support on the chat on the app.
Been trying for an hour no reply

I ended up telling myself jokes

Just type live agent in that chat’s window

No reply from that either

but you should’ve been in a queue, and got approximately time to talk :slight_smile:


so try to type resolved then live agent ones again.
If you are in a hurry please consider contact via DM on Twitter

I’ve tried to contact… They told me- 4 hours

Resolve did the trick some body will contact me in 48hours lol
Time to look elsewhere me thinks
After all the good things I have read about revolut
Not a good start

Don’t give up :slight_smile:
Contact them by Twitter or @anon33247966 in here

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Thanks for your help but it is not good when I get more help from the community than I can from the company
It was good whilst it lasted

Sorry to hear that, but I am not able to help you in that case in another way.

Hi there. An agent will contact you shortly. Apologies for the long wait, we’re receiving a high volume of requests.