A guide to topping up via SEPA transfer for everyone having issues with the new EUR IBAN

Because Revolut doesn’t openly advertise the old top up method for EUR via bank transfer, I figured it would be nice to post it here in a new thread instead of all the answers hidden somewhere in all these long threads complaining about the new EUR IBAN:

I added some screenshots for better understanding

First, go to to Top up -> Bank Transfer. Then you’ll see this:

Then click on USD. You will see something like this:

You only do this to get your reference number which isn’t shown any more if you click on top up in EUR.

Write down this reference number, it is the same for all currencies.

Then go to your online banking and set up a SEPA transfer with the folowing details.
NOTE: You can only send the SEPA transfer from a bank account in your name.
Bank account: GB98 LOYD 3080 1286 5682 90
Beneficiary: REVOLUT LTD
Reference: “Your reference number that you wrote down earlier from the USD screen”

Don’t use the USD account number but the one that I wrote down here.

This is how it looked like for me:

And two days later the money arrived in my account:

I hope that this way, more people can find this workaround without having to search all the other threads first.

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Thanks for the reply, yes I forgot to mention that the top up has to come from an account in your name.

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How can we know that IBAN isn’t fake?

An online IBAN cheker gives an address in Kent:


Hey guys! If you’re having any trouble with the new EUR IBANs, you can contact us directly on chat and we’ll adjust the details that you see in the app to the old ones! That way it’s all right there for you.

However, @juppi123 thanks for doing this!

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I’m trying the chat but I get a bot named Rita replying … :frowning:

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the address that you found at IBAN calculator is bank’s address not Revolut’s!:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes:

Ok, thanks. just chatted with an assistant at support services and she confirmed to me the above IBAN.

Another way is when they give you the one of the new GB Euro IBANs. Woohoo!

Just to add a few data points: I am using Migros Bank in Switzerland.
I have successfully transferred money from this account to Revolut using these methods:
CHF to their GB40LOYD… (general) account with my personal reference number
EUR to their GB98LOYD… (general) account with my personal reference number
EUR to my personal GB05REVO… account
The last one did NOT go through as a SEPA payment, my bank maintains the Revolut account is not part of SEPA and charged me EUR 5 for the payment.
Still puzzled by how this works (or does not).
Every one of them took 3 days to go through.
A payment from my Revolut account to my Migros Bank account arrives within 12 h.

fyi, the BCV ( Banque Cantonale Vaudoise) in CH too, transfered EUR to REVOGB21XXX at no cost, last Tuesday in two hours. You may use this speaking to Migros Bank.

Any idea what you paid in commision for the first 2?

Larysa - Is there actually a support organisation?
I have paid for a premium account with premium support but no one is responding and I have €7000 missing.

Hallo dear Mr engineer, Grüezi,

gibt’s dazu eigentlich auch was offizielles von Revolut ???
Ich habe keine Lust immer tagelang herumzuprobieren.
Mein erster Versuch senden EUR (ab DE-Konto) nach EUR-Revolut mit der von R mitgeteilten IBAN schlug fehl… (…>Falscher IBAN)
Ich hab dann mit VISA-credit versucht, das ging sofort, kostete aber 1 %…

Also gibt’s was offizielles oder bekommt man inzwischen immer die “richtige” IBAN ?? Danke, mfg siri

Hallo Siri, wie lauten die ersten beiden Buchstaben der EUR-IBAN? LT machte Probleme, GB sollte von jeder Bank akzeptiert werden. Ggf. den BIC mit drei X auffüllen: REVOGB21XXX.

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Wenn der IBAN falsch ist, dann hat das wahrscheinlich die absendende Bank schon gemerkt, denn der IBAN enthält zwei Prüfziffern (die nach dem DE in DE … 12346780). Und die Zahlung ist gar nicht in Auftrag gegeben worden.
Bei mir hat es bei den anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten daran gelegen, dass das EUR-Konto GB… mit dem BIC gemäss meiner Bank nicht in GB war, das lag an einem alten File mit den BIC/SWIFT-codes bei meiner Bank, nicht bei Revolut.
Bei den Bankkonti gibt es zwei verschiedene Kategorien, wie in meinem vorherigen Post beschrieben: eine die wie GB … LOYD… aussehen, das sind allgemeine Konti von Revolut - da unbedingt die eigene Nummer angeben unter Referenz, damit auf’s richtige Konto gutgeschrieben.
Und die GB…REVO… Nummern, da ist die persönliche Konto-Nummer schon in der IBAN drin.
Bezahlt habe ich für die SEPA-Überweisung EUR 0.30 , für die CHF-Überweisung aus CH CHF 5.
Hoffe das hilft.
PS: Noch was: Support via App funktioniert hervorragend, mit Premium-Karte auch 24 h. Wenn erst die automatisierte Antwort von RITA kommt, und das nicht hilft: escalate eingeben, und man bekommt Antwort von einem Menschen, und die waren immer sehr hilfreich und effizient.

Hallo Frank, Hallo engineer
danke für eure Antworten - also ich habe IBAN checken lassen. Es war eine GB40 Nummer. Antwort vom Rechner:

This IBAN cannot be correct because of its length. A UK IBAN always contains exactly 22 digits and letters (2-digit country code, a 2-digit checksum, 4 letters from the BIC, the 6-digit sort code, and the 8-digit account number). The IBAN you entered is 26 characters long.

Also ich muss erst mal auf 22 digit achten für GB-IBAN, warum mir R einen 26-stelligen GB-IBAN gab ist mir ein Rätsel…

Komisch. Alle IBANs, die mir die App anzeigt, sind 22-stellig.

Hi and thanks to juppi123 for the explanation. As a revolut beginner it’s a little bit confusing to get the right IBAN for euro bank transfer (revolut seems to favorise top up by card).

To get the right euro IBAN and reference number just

  • tap on settings button (upper left corner)
  • select euro symbol from active accounts

Now you should read something as “…only SEPA transfers are accepted…”

  • now change from local to swift (tap on swift)

There you will find the right IBAN for euro bank transfer and your personal reference code (it’s the same for all currencies). The IBAN is the same as juppi123 posted.

This should be read as additional information to the above.

Since I’am also a revolut beginner I’m still testing. Bank transfer with german DKB seems to be working (no errors after finalise transfer). Now I’m waiting for the amount appearing in revolut app.

Confirmed to be working.