3D Secure


When will be support for 3D Secure?


Yes, that would be really helpful! There are many shops, I cannot use with Revolut, because auf missing 3DS support…


Yes will be very useful ! :slight_smile:


Finally here


Is this enabled for all mastercards or still early beta available for some testers?

Early beta for 1000 users who signed up for RevP. Card coming next week to us :slight_smile:


Why did I not know about this

But it must be available to all users by mid september, right?

If we do our testing properly, then sure! Lol

soon™ covers everything :laughing:

Oh Yeah, we’re the ambassadors of the Soon Testing group

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Just an update. Users at Reddit report that 3D secure has been updated and now requires authorization through the app. I haven’t tried it yet but a comment says that it should work with every card. Another comment says “Coming to all Revolut cards by 14/09”.
Either way that’s great news!


hmm, I dont understand then how it previously worked without auth thru app?

It just accepted it automatically. As I said i haven’t tested it yet.

It seems that 3D secure is working now automatically… its says its redirecting me to “secure page” and it just accepts payment…

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It was like that since at least January, when I started using revolut. I never had an issue with 3D secure websites. The difference is now, hopefully, it will not authorize automatically and ask you to confirm in the app for the payment to go through.

Hm…no, I wanted to buy something in May, the card was declined because there was no 3D secure. Same shop, 3 months later… worked…

Maybe it’s country specific then. Here it was and is working fine. I am seeing the 3D secure page flash before every 3D secure payment I do.

3D secure no translated in to polish. No pushup notification with 3d secure in revolut apk.

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Just tested online purchase with R mastercard (not RevP) in online store where they support 3D secure. There was not any 3d secure notifications or promts during purchase. It means purchase went without using 3DS at all.